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The Art of Choosing the Perfect Avocado.

Ah, the humble avocado. Once a mere guacamole ingredient, now the darling of millennial brunches and Instagram posts everywhere. But let's face it, we've all been there – slicing into what we thought was a perfectly ripe avocado, only to find it brown and mushy inside. The horror!

Fear not, fellow avocado enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the wonderfully green world of avocado selection. By the time you finish reading this guide, you'll be an avocado-choosing pro, impressing your friends at the local greengrocer's and never letting a bad avo ruin your toast again.

The Visual Inspection: Judge This Book by Its Cover

First things first, let's talk about what your perfect avocado should look like. When you're browsing the fresh produce section, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Colour: Your ideal avocado should be dark green to nearly black. If it's still bright green, it's probably as hard as a cricket ball and about as tasty.

  2. Skin Texture: Look for an avocado with a slightly bumpy skin. If it's smoother than a billiard ball, it's likely underripe.

  3. Blemishes: A few dark spots are fine, but avoid avocados with large sunken areas or splits in the skin. These are signs that your avocado might be past its prime.

The Squeeze Test: Gentle Does It

Now, I know you're tempted to give that avocado a good squeeze, but easy there, Hercules! The key to the squeeze test is gentleness. Here's how to do it right:

  1. Cup the avocado in your palm.

  2. Gently press with your thumb.

  3. If it yields slightly to the pressure, congratulations! You've found a ripe avocado.

  4. If it feels as hard as your gran's fruit cake, it needs a few more days to ripen.

  5. If it feels like you could punch your thumb right through it, step away slowly. That avocado is better suited for the compost bin.

The Stem Check: A Sneaky Peek Inside

Here's a little-known trick that'll make you feel like an avocado expert. The stem can give you a sneak preview of what's inside:

  1. Try to flick off the stem at the top of the avocado.

  2. If it comes off easily and you see green underneath, you've got a ripe avocado.

  3. If the stem doesn't come off, the avocado isn't ripe yet.

  4. If you remove the stem and see brown underneath, the avocado is overripe.

Mix and Match: The Avocado Meal Plan

Here's a pro tip: buy avocados in various stages of ripeness. This way, you'll have a steady supply of perfect avocados throughout the week. It's like meal planning, but for your avocado addiction.

The Ripening Game: Patience is a Virtue

If you've bought a hard avocado, don't despair! Pop it in a paper bag with a banana or an apple. These fruits release ethylene gas, which will speed up the ripening process. Check it daily, and in a few days, you'll have a perfectly ripe avocado.

On the flip side, if your avocado is ripe but you're not ready to use it, stick it in the fridge. This will slow down the ripening process and buy you an extra day or two.

The Grand Finale: Slicing into Green Gold

The moment of truth has arrived. You've selected your avocado with the care of a diamond appraiser. Now, it's time to slice it open. Here's hoping for that perfect green interior, creamy texture, and buttery flavour that makes avocados the superfood we all know and love.

Remember, choosing the perfect avocado is part science, part art, and a little bit of luck. But with these tips in your culinary arsenal, you're well on your way to becoming an avocado aficionado. So go forth, brave food lover, and may all your avocados be perfectly ripe!

From The Epicerie with love