Summertime Fruit Fun: A Tropical Treat

Summertime means longer days, warmer weather, and the chance to try something new. While we all love a classic strawberry or a juicy watermelon, there’s a whole world of exotic fruits out there just waiting to be discovered. So let’s dive into three fruits that are starting to make a splash.

Passion Fruit: A Tropical Punch

Passion fruit is a funny-looking thing. It’s like a little purple or yellow egg with a tough skin. But don’t be fooled, inside is a treasure trove of juicy pulp packed with tiny seeds. It’s a bit like a tropical explosion in your mouth – sweet, tangy, and just a bit exotic.

You can eat it straight from the skin, seeds and all, or strain it for a smoother taste. Either way, it’s a refreshing treat.

Guava: A Fragrant Friend

Guava is another one worth checking out. It’s usually green or yellow on the outside, with a soft, white or pink flesh inside. It’s packed with tiny seeds, but don’t worry, they’re edible. Guava has a lovely sweet smell and a taste that’s a mix of pear and apple, but with a tropical twist.

You can eat it on its own, slice it up for a fruit salad, or blend it into a smoothie. It’s pretty versatile.

Lychee: A Little Bit Fancy

Lychees are a bit more posh. They look like little red balls with bumpy skin. Inside is a white, jelly-like fruit with a big seed in the middle. The taste is sweet and refreshing, with a hint of floral flavour.

Lychees are great on their own, but they also look fancy in a fruit salad or as a garnish for a dessert.

Tips for Tropical Taste Buds

  • Freeze passion fruit pulp for a cool treat.

  • Add a splash of passion fruit to your yogurt for a tropical twist.

  • Try guava with a bit of chilli powder for a sweet and spicy snack.

  • Blend guava into a smoothie with other fruits for a refreshing drink.

  • Serve lychees with a dollop of cream for a fancy dessert.

So, next time you’re shopping, keep an eye out for these tropical treats. They’re a great way to add a bit of sunshine to your summer.

From the Epicerie with Love.


Fruits Your Skin Will Love.


Ripening Secrets: Which Fruits to Wait On.